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When you are looking to produce and manufacture custom screws or outside international standards. Design advice should be one of your top priorities. Regardless of the industry you are consuming and requesting, the products you want to create freely should be made of the best quality components, and these components should be designed and manufactured to your customized request.

For this reason, we decided to expand our activities so that we can take a small step towards self-sufficiency in our beloved country, Iran.

When it comes to making custom bolts, this can be more complicated and difficult than you initially expected. These problems and complexities will become apparent, especially during the design process.

Regardless of the type of design advice you need, whether designing screws on paper or just helping to choose the material or cover for the bolts, the manufacturer you choose to work with will have a huge impact on your goal, which is the same bolts and nuts produced. Final will be.

When you are looking to produce and manufacture custom screws or outside international standards. Design advice should be one of your top priorities. Regardless of the industry you are consuming and requesting, the products you want to create freely should be made of the best quality components, and these components should be designed and manufactured to your customized request.

For this reason, we decided to expand our activities so that we can take a small step towards self-sufficiency in our beloved country, Iran.

When it comes to making custom bolts, this can be more complicated and difficult than you initially expected. These problems and complexities will become apparent, especially during the design process.

Regardless of the type of design advice you need, whether designing screws on paper or just helping to choose the material or cover for the bolts, the manufacturer you choose to work with will have a huge impact on your goal, which is the same bolts and nuts produced. Final will be.


Here are three main reasons why design support is so important in making custom bolts:

1. Accurate calculations.

It is not easy to produce bolts and nuts from a map. The calculations must be done accurately. Any incorrect calculations can make the nut screw useless. Do you really want to take such a risk by accepting all the design responsibilities? When you help with the design process, you can be sure that the bolts you pay the manufacturer will pay for your unique product. They are quite suitable. The force applied, the environment in which the screw is used, and the size of the product are all taken into account to ensure that you get the best screw.

2. There are many options to choose from.

After the complex calculations are done, the design process is not complete. You still have to choose the material and type of cover for the bolts and nuts. And with so many options to choose from (some of which aren’t working at all, some aren’t bad, and some may be the perfect choice for your purpose), how do you know which option is right for you? Will it be the most suitable? To ensure that you have chosen the right option from a wide variety of items, you should turn your attention to the bolt and nut manufacturer with expert design staff. They can help you consider all of the items. Take it and guide you to make the best decision to reach your goal.

3. Save in any way:

No matter what angle you look at it from, working with a powerful and experienced team can help you design bolts and nuts, which saves time and money. Imagine that a mistake is made in the design process and an unsuitable screw is sent with your product. The cost of reproducing the map, as well as its reproduction and transportation, will certainly be very high, so in addition to the problem of time, it will also be lost in the production of bolts and nuts. It will help to save money and time in the beginning and after using inappropriate bolts and nuts to give customers a quality product. Introduce yourself to the invulnerable damage you have done.

Don’t take risks and don’t design your own custom bolts and nuts alone. Use the design consulting points provided by your Vira Boltbe industrial bolts to make sure you have the right bolts and nuts for your product.